Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In Progress

Some beginning stages of the 20x20 piece for the Mamacita (W)Holon show.
I'm down to the wire as always, up against the deadline- but that's how I roll.

This piece ventures further into the block as finished piece concept that began with the 4x4 holons for this show. It feels a little strange to post these stages with out having finishing - A little like that dream where you're in school and realize you forgot to put any clothes on.

The sketch

Drawn on wood

Starting the cutting



carole said...

i loooove it!!!!

Katydid said...

Dude. I'm always amazed at how good you are. Not surprised, just amazed. Taken aback.

Rebecca said...

Thank you! Now the added pressure of not screwing it up. Perhaps the real reason not to show unfinished!!